Tabletop Games Archive
Indie Game Alliance: Empowering Creators
Written on August 20, 2015
in Games, Media, Tabletop Games

My favorite part of Gen Con isn’t the games. It isn’t feeding off the energy of the crowd. It isn’t all the cool stuff available in the expo hall. It’s seeing the small independent game companies trying to make a name for themselves. It’s not that I don’t love big name games.
Review: Tyranny of Dragons
Written on December 11, 2014
in Book Reviews, Geek Culture, Media, Reviews, Tabletop Games
I don’t know what you guys do on your Friday nights, but here in Awesometown, we play games. We’re not picky on the type of games- board, video, tabletop, reindeer. (Especially reindeer.) Right now we’re at the beginning of a new Dungeons and Dragons campaign and I couldn’t be more excited. Buddy
Press Release: San Antonio based Balero Games announces The Game of Roaches
Written on October 1, 2014
in Games, Media, Tabletop Games

Be a creepy crawly roach trying to take over the house! Balero Games announces The Game of Roaches a new imagination filled table top game where players get to be roach characters who are trying to take over the house. Designed by a middle school science teacher, Colleen Guzman, The Game of
Tabletop Game Review: App’d
Written on August 13, 2014
in Games, Media, Product Reviews, Reviews, Tabletop Games

Disclaimer: I was sent a copy of App’d for review. At last year’s Gen Con, I was flipping through the program and saw a listing for a cyberpunk card game. Well, really I didn’t need to read more than that because I prefer card games and I love the cyberpunk genre. I
Extra Life Gaming Marathon for Riley
Written on July 16, 2014
in Around Indy, Games, Media, Tabletop Games, Video Games

Regular readers will know that I enjoy games. I play some tabletop games (although admittedly they don’t always catch my attention), and I spend hours every week playing video games. But what you may not know, is that I also really love sleep. Sleep is pretty much the best thing ever. I
Press Release: 64oz Games Launches Kickstarter to Make Tabletop Games for Visually Impaired
Written on April 17, 2014
in Games, Tabletop Games

Independence is defined, roughly, as being able to do what you want, when you want, the way you want. When it comes to board gaming this has been an impossibility for the blind and visually impaired communities for far too long. Players are stuck relying on friends and family to make the
Around Indy: Game Paradise
Written on April 7, 2014
in Around Indy, Games, Tabletop Games

Yesterday (April 5) was the second annual International Tabletop Day, a day designated to celebrate analog gaming. I spent the day at Game Paradise in Fountain Square celebrating Frank from QuantumFit’s birthday. Game Paradise has been on my list of places to go for a while now so I was happy to
Press Release: Impact Miniatures Launches DCC Kickstarter
Written on January 18, 2014
in Games, Tabletop Games

Note: This is the text of their Kickstarter page, rather than a traditional press release. Goodman Games has a really well written RPG in an old school style D&D style called Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC for short). The DCC rulebook, with the insights from Joseph Goodman on how to be a great judge /
Kickstarter Launched for Tabletop Video Game Eon Altar by Flying Helmet Games
Written on November 10, 2013
in Games, Tabletop Games, Video Games

Vancouver-based independent studio Flying Helmet Games launches a Kickstarter campaign, to fund Eon Altar, a new cooperative role-playing adventure that blends the experience of classic tabletop gaming and modern video games into a Tabletop Video Game. Eon Altar is an innovative Fantasy RPG Tabletop Video Game for Tablets and Handsets that brings
Doctor Who: Card Game vs RPG
Written on October 10, 2013
in Games, Media, Product Reviews, Tabletop Games

We’ve been playing a lot of tabletop games at home lately. On Tuesday I wrote about how we’re turning the Geekling into an awesome baby gamer, and all of that stems from our own love of gaming. Like any geeks, we’ll play pretty much any game once, and games themed after our