Around Indy Archive
Join Me At TechPoint’s League of Xtraordinary Programmers!
Written on July 11, 2016
in Around Indy, Conventions, Geek Culture

One of my favorite things about Gen Con is how much the entire city of Indianapolis gets into the spirit. Restaurants transform into geeky havens. There are game tables wherever you look. And local companies run events that might be of interest to Gen Con attendees. One event that I’m particularly looking forward to
Press Release: Cards Against Humanity Launches Desperate Bid for Attention at Gen Con
Written on July 27, 2015
in Around Indy, Conventions, Geek Culture
Chicago – Popular card game Cards Against Humanity announced this morning that they will be hosting a concert and comedy show during Gen Con this year, with live performances by Molly Lewis, The Doubleclicks, Paul and Storm, Cameron Esposito, Kumail Nanjiani, and more. The concert, which will take place Friday, July 31st
Wizard World Indianapolis 2015
Written on February 18, 2015
in Around Indy, Conventions, Geek Culture

This past weekend, Indianapolis’s first Wizard World Comic Con rolled in town. Geeks and geeky lovebirds alike celebrated Valentines weekend at the Indiana Convention Center with celebrity panels, meet and greets, and browsing the vendor booths. While the crowd was smaller than PopCon, the event space was much better suited for the
Why I Love Living in Carmel
Written on October 20, 2014
in Around Indy

I was going to write a post about how suburbs get a lot of unfair flack. But as I was looking through the Solid Gold Eats archive, I saw Sara’s post on why she loves living in SoBro. And I really like this method so much better. Because really, every part of
Shameless Plug: Hipsternima
Written on September 16, 2014
in Around Indy, Internet, TV/Movies

It’s the Husband’s 30th birthday! An entire day of celebrations and reminding him that it’s all downhill from here. It’s all out of love, I swear. 😀 In addition to beer, burgers (Note: I got a bacon cheese burger, he got a wrap. The waitress tried to give me his meal. Teehee.),
Extra Life Gaming Marathon for Riley
Written on July 16, 2014
in Around Indy, Games, Media, Tabletop Games, Video Games

Regular readers will know that I enjoy games. I play some tabletop games (although admittedly they don’t always catch my attention), and I spend hours every week playing video games. But what you may not know, is that I also really love sleep. Sleep is pretty much the best thing ever. I
Vital Skates: Indianapolis’s Home Grown Derby Shop
Written on June 18, 2014
in Around Indy, Derby

Derby skaters love their gear. Wheels (mostly). Boots. Plates. Shoestrings (you read that right). Pads. But with all the different products in the derby market, it can be hard to know what gear is the right fit (both in intended use and literal fit). Thankfully here in Indianapolis we have Vital Skates
Product Review: Citybox
Written on June 12, 2014
in Around Indy, Conventions, Product Reviews, Service Reviews

Editor’s note: Citybox provided PureGeekery with a box of goodies to review at no cost. Part of what I love about attending local geek conventions is discovering awesome new things in the area. As much as we all complain that Indy is boring, there’s really a lot to do around here if
Indy Pop Con Has a Solid First Year
Written on June 6, 2014
in Around Indy, Conventions, Geek Culture

You’ve heard about Claire’s Pop Con experience, and Ryan’s first ever con experience at Pop Con. So you know mine had to be coming up next. Some of you know, conventions aren’t exactly my thing. Nothing against cons themselves, it’s just….that’s a lot of people. I enjoy the Louisville Arcade Expo because it’s basically going
Ryan’s First Con: Thoughts on Indy PopCon
Written on June 5, 2014
in Around Indy, Geek Culture

Going to a “Con” is something I had never really considered doing before. I didn’t really understand what went on at them. I’m also very introverted, and tend to avoid large crowds of people for long periods of time. However, when Nicole told me she was able to get me a press