Nutrition Archive
Leveling Up: Game Over
Written on February 28, 2013
in Games, Geek Culture, Geek Fitness, Geek Health
You may have noticed I haven’t written a Leveling Up post in nearly a month. The reason is, simply, I haven’t been gaining any XP. I’ve been losing weight, but by just having a lack of appetite not from eating well. In fact, I’m eating junk just not enough of it to
Leveling Up: Achievement Unlocked – Five Pounds Down
Written on February 7, 2013
in Geek Culture, Geek Fitness, Geek Health

Sorry I haven’t been writing Leveling Up posts lately. It’s been a lot of “stay the course” boring stuff like counting calories and working out. Although, I have to admit, my working out motivation has been low lately. I need to get my butt into gear and work on my off skates
5 on Friday (Leveling Up Edition): Tools to Make Your Health Goals Successful
Written on January 18, 2013
in 5 on Friday, Geek Culture, Geek Fitness, Geek Health, Media, Mobile, Technology, The Usual, Video Games

As with any quest, it’s dangerous to go alone. It’s best to have some trusty tools with you as you head out. Your health journey is no different. Here are five tools to help every geek track their progress. 1. LoseIt! (iOS, Android, Web) – I tried three of the bigger name apps
Level 1 (Replay): Let’s Try This Workout Thing Again
Written on January 14, 2013
in Geek Culture, Geek Fitness, Geek Health, Media, Video Games
I may have overset my goals last week. My plan was to return to practice three days a week, and do some off skates training three days a week. Well, I made it to practice three days, but I only did off skates training once. Ouch. I had not realized how much
Level 1: Add In Fitness
Written on January 7, 2013
in Geek Culture, Geek Fitness, Geek Health
I declared last week that I would begin a quest to “level up.” That is, I’m working on my overall health. I started by cutting my calories and trying to make what I did eat a little healthier. I would say this first week has been a success in that I’ve lost
Leveling Up: +1 to Energy from Eating Breakfast
Written on January 3, 2013
in Geek Culture, Geek Fitness, Geek Health

They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and the foundation of how you will eat for the rest of your meals. (They of course, are those who are them.) It took me forever (long since before I even started this blog) to find an easy, filling breakfast that
Level 0: A Journey Begins
Written on January 1, 2013
in Geek Culture, Geek Fitness, Geek Health
Happy National Hangover Day everyone! With the New Year comes a new series on my blog. This one will focus on fitness and nutrition. I know this sounds awful. But let’s face it; a healthy mind requires a healthy body. I’ll focus on fitness and nutrition for us busy geeks who are
Happy One Year Derbyversary to Me!
Written on November 16, 2012
in Derby, Geek Culture, Geek Fitness

With all the extra hours at work, and the vacation immediately following, I got very fall behind on my write once a day goal. I also completely missed my first year derbyversary! Derby becomes so much a part of your life, that we celebrate the moment we entered it. We use it