Be a Tourist.

Indianapolis FlagOne of my major pet peeves is when people act like Indianapolis has nothing to offer. Implying it’s just a boring city in the middle of a corn field (which hello, fresh food). The statement usually comes after someone has come back from vacationing in another city. Statements like “Portland is so cool, we were able to watch a movie for free in the park.” (Which by the way, is something you can do at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, and even in some suburbs.)

The reason residents of Indianapolis fall in love with other cities, and miss what Indy has to offer, is because they are tourists in the other cities. They go out. They explore. Something they rarely do here because they’ve lived here a bit and think they’ve seen all there is to see. I call shenanigans. There is plenty in Indianapolis, if you just step outside of your comfort zone and look.

Before I go any further, I’m counting the suburbs of Indianapolis as places to go to see and do things. There are some amazing things in those communities as well. And let’s face it, if traffic is decent, you can get to pretty much anywhere in 30-40 minutes.

This is just scratching the surface of what Indianapolis has to offer. The next time you find yourself waxing poetic about what other cities have to offer, ask your self when the last time you truly explored Indianapolis was. Then take a day off work and be a tourist.

4 Responses to “Be a Tourist.”
  1. Madisen Basey says:
    • Nicole says:
  2. solidgoldeats says:
  3. Sophierocious says:

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