Backyard Tourism Archive


Around Indy: Game Paradise

Yesterday (April 5) was the second annual International Tabletop Day, a day designated to celebrate analog gaming. I spent the day at Game Paradise in Fountain Square celebrating Frank from QuantumFit’s birthday. Game Paradise has been on my list of places to go for a while now so I was happy to


Be a Tourist.

One of my major pet peeves is when people act like Indianapolis has nothing to offer. Implying it’s just a boring city in the middle of a corn field (which hello, fresh food). The statement usually comes after someone has come back from vacationing in another city. Statements like “Portland is so


Monumental Yoga

The internet has been a-buzz with picture of Summer Solstice yoga in Times Square over the past couple of years. Thousands of people, coming together to celebrate the Solstice together in one place inspired yoga studios and The Athenaeum here in Indy to bring the practice to our city. Although we didn’t


DIY Sport, DIY Beer

Sports and beer go together. But while your major league sports have massive sponsors like Coors and Anheuser-Busch, your local sports have local beer sponsors. It makes sense. The DIY ethos of roller derby really correlates with the DIY ethos of local craft brewing. While roller derby has the motto of “For


Backyard Tourism: Indianapolis Museums

Way too often, I hear that Indy is boring- the typical, there’s nothing to do here, the midwest sucks, blah blah blah. Obviously these people haven’t been getting out much, because Indy has amazing festivals, restaurants, museums, concerts, and outdoor activities going on year round! Here is the first in my series