Alcohol Archive
First Impression: Books & Brews
Written on March 31, 2014
in Around Indy

Books & Brews is a new concept in the Indy area, it’s a used bookstore and nanobrewery combined. The front half of the store is a bookstore, and the brewery is in the back. I headed over there with Tamre from Tiny Table to see how the concept played out. I wasn’t
5 on Friday: Geeky Flasks
Written on March 7, 2014
in 5 on Friday, The Usual

It may not seem like it right now for most of the country, but spring IS coming. And spring means Spring Roll, my favorite derby event of the year. Spring Roll is a yearly derby tournament hosted by the Fort Wayne Derby Girls that features several men’s bouts. And since I’ve made
Be a Tourist.
Written on October 21, 2013
in Around Indy

One of my major pet peeves is when people act like Indianapolis has nothing to offer. Implying it’s just a boring city in the middle of a corn field (which hello, fresh food). The statement usually comes after someone has come back from vacationing in another city. Statements like “Portland is so
5 on Friday: 5 Pumpkin Beers
Written on September 20, 2013
in 5 on Friday, Around Indy, The Usual

On Sunday we will officially hit the first day of fall, which can only mean one thing. It’s time to pumpkin ALL the things, including beer. This past Wednesday I went to Queen of the Pumpkin Ales at Hearthstone Coffee House and Pub, hosted by Girls’ Pint Out, and tried four varieties
Flagon Slayer Tapping Party: Where You Get Punished for Drinking Beer
Written on August 17, 2013
in Around Indy, Conventions, Geek Culture

Wednesday evening, I headed downtown after work for Sun King’s Flagon Slayer: Official Beer of Gen Con Tapping Party. I’ve always enjoyed Sun King, and Flagon Slayer was quite delicious, being a beer/mead hybrid made sweet with cherries and Indiana honey. The event itself left a little to be desired though. 5
Flagon Slayer: Official Beer of Gen Con 2013
Written on August 5, 2013
in Around Indy, Conventions, Geek Culture

When I play Dominion, I prefer to have my cards in one hand and a beer in the other. I’m sure this doesn’t apply to all gamers, but for me, there’s something about relaxing and enjoying a great game and a few pints with friends that just can’t be beat. I’m quite
DIY Sport, DIY Beer
Written on June 5, 2013
in Around Indy, Derby

Sports and beer go together. But while your major league sports have massive sponsors like Coors and Anheuser-Busch, your local sports have local beer sponsors. It makes sense. The DIY ethos of roller derby really correlates with the DIY ethos of local craft brewing. While roller derby has the motto of “For
Around Indy: Cards Against Humanity with Girls Pint Out
Written on May 31, 2013
in Around Indy, Games, Geek Girl, Media, Tabletop Games

I have to admit, I was nervous when I got the Facebook invite from Girls Pint Out, an all female craft beer appreciation group, to play Cards Against Humanity at New Day Meadery in Fountain Square. I love Cards Against Humanity as much as the next awful person, but playing in public?