My Happiness Project: Yoga


In the middle of school/work insanity, I always long for the simplicity of summer- lazy days of swimming, watching tv, and playing with the geekling. In practice, however, I get bored without something to work towards-  a goal or deadline that keeps me busy on lazy summer afternoons and is key to my happiness project. So, in addition to my internship, I have set myself some yoga goals for the summer. I decided to give up my gym membership, as I cannot run due to old injuries and I have found that I would rather practice yoga at a dedicated studio than in the classes they offer. (Which means I’m going to have to get my butt up to do some cardio 😀 Just Dance it is!) I found a yoga sequence on one of my favourite websites- Yoga Trail – and while challenging this is what I’ll be working toawrds this summer! My goal is to have it down by August.  This will help fullfil a few key parts of my happiness project: daily physical activity, challenging myself, and setting achievable goals. Writing those htings down feel pretty rdiculous, but I know that it is essential to my journey towards happiness.

If you want to check out what I’m working towards, check out this link:

Photo Credit: kimmanleyort on Flickr

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