iPhone Archive


App Review: Any.Do and Cal – Time Management Apps that Work

Is it just me, or have both Android and iOS really dropped the ball when it comes to time management apps? They both have calendars and task apps, which work alright I suppose. But when you compare these core apps to third party options they’re both severely lacking. After trying a variety


Digg Reader: Simple and Social

Digg is back with it’s Google Reader replacement, Digg Reader. Saying Digg is back seems weird though. It seems Digg has always been around. When I was in college I’d waste time on Digg much like I imagine students must waste time on reddit now. In fact, the sites work much in


App Review: Boldomatic

I was contacted by a representative from Boldomatic who wanted me to check out their app. They had stumbled across my review of Whims, and thought I might be interested since its another “words as pictures” type app. I’m always interested in new apps so I gave it a shot. When the


Google I/O: What Caught My Eye

Google I/O was yesterday, and I just couldn’t get excited about it. I’m not sure if my technolust is fading, or if we’ve reached the point where we’re just not making the strides we used to. I remember a few years ago I’d be glued to the live blog of any Apple or Google announcement. Tweeting


Google Now is Available on iOS

I’ve gone through a few smartphones this year, bouncing back and forth between iOS and Android. I landed on iOS as my  mobile platform of choice because it has tons of games,a good camera, and good battery life. One thing I missed about Android though was the Google Now app. Google Now is a


App Review: Whims

I must say, I am really surprised by the staying power instagram has. When it was released, I understood the novelty. Low resolution square photos felt new in our high def, wide screen world. Applying filters is fun, and makes mundane pictures seem interesting. After all, would photos of snacks be as eye


Just Read.

There are several epic battles that shall forever rage in the geek universe. Star Wars vs Star Trek? Xbox vs PS3? Mac vs Linux vs PC? All these are  child’s play compared to the battle that is paper vs electronic books. Amazon launched the Kindle in 2007 for $400. While it sold out


Service Review: CPR Cell Phone Repair Review – Carmel

Disclaimer: I after I broke my iPhone I went to CPR to get it fixed. I didn’t mention writing a review, or get any kind of discount. I just looked them up when I drove by one day. As much as I loved my Android phone as a pocket computer, the lack


And Back Again…

I was so happy when my husband decided he wanted a Galaxy SIII and I could take his Galaxy Nexus. I was able to overlook the bad battery life.  I picked up a MyCharge, threw it in my purse, and considered it done. I was able to overlook the fact that I’d


5 on Friday: Five Reasons I’m Glad to be Back on Android (And Five Things I Miss About iPhone)

Santa came early this year and delivered my husbands Galaxy S3 on Christmas Eve, giving me the luxury of switching from my busted iPhone to his old Galaxy Nexus before the post-Christmas rush. I’ve only had it a few days, but here are my initial thoughts on why I’m glad to be