New Month Resolutions

I realize this post is three weeks too late, but this year I’ve decided not to do New Year’s resolutions. Like most people, my good intentions fall away come the spring and I’m lucky if I even remember what they were by summer. Long term goals have never been my strong suit, but I’m great with short-term ones. And that’s what made me realize (three weeks into 2017) what will make self-improvement easier. “new month resolutions.”

This year, I’m setting a new resolution every month. A thing I want to make sure I do. A thing I can measure. For January, I’ve been going alcohol free. Mostly because I have the post-holiday squishiness, and booze is an easy source of empty calories to cut out without feeling deprived. There some other health benefits as well. In addition to being less squishy,  I’m sleeping better and feel better when I get less sleep.

For February, my goal is to find out if OpenHAB is going to be a good replacement for SmartThings. SmartThings has been driving me bonkers lately, which is a different post for a different day, and I want to move my automation off of the cloud anyway. I’ve already started working on OpenHAB, but it’s my self-improvement program and I can do it how I want. And really, I’ll probably need more than 28 days to get it figured out and configured anyway.

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