Book Review: David Bowie Retrospective and Coloring Book

As the adult coloring book trend reaches critical mass, there are coloring books for nearly everything. The David Bowie Retrospective and Coloring Book is the first one I’ve seen also claim to be a retrospective. And honestly, it’s a little disappointing on both fronts.

Fairly representative of the pages in the book.

Fairly representative of the pages in the book.

As a Coloring Book

Most of the adult coloring books I’ve seen have been fairly highly detailed. They’re full of small, intricate parts to lose yourself in. This coloring book doesn’t have that. They areas to color are mostly large and simple. It’s also fairly thin and small. There’s just not a lot here.

As a Retrospective

The most text that shows in one place.

The most text that shows in one place.

This isn’t only trying to be a David Bowie coloring book though. It’s also trying to be a retrospective of his styles. And again, this seems really overly simple. Pages have about one sentence about each look, plus a discography in the back. Again, there’s just not a lot here.


For $16, this coloring book leaves me wanting something more. More pages, more detail, more something. But if you see it on sale and you’re a Bowie fan, it’s probably worth it for the novelty if nothing else.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book for review from Blogging For Books.

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