Nerd Cave v1.5: Why You Should Always Measure

It’s been just under two years since I unveiled the Nerd Cave version 1.0. And while I’ve made several little decor changes since then, I still have one big project to really push it over to version 2.0. But, in the meantime, I thought I’d show you a little side project that is part of this room.

We recently bought a 3D printer from Monoprice (affiliate link), and we were looking for a place to put it. I suggested putting it in the alcove where we store books, boardgames, and wine (my husband makes his own, so we have tons). I went into the alcove and started measuring the existing shelving.

I couldn’t believe how deep a single shelf was. They were up when we moved in, and I just added stuff to them when we were unpacking. I didn’t give it much thought. But now, One shelf was two feet deep! I measured the entire length of the back wall. And it was 8 feet wide! We’ve been trying to figure out how to get two workspaces up the in nerd cave, and the solution was right behind us!

Using the “closet desk” trend that’s sweeping Pinterest at the moment, I came up with a rough idea of what I wanted to do with the space. I decided to go with a U-shaped desk with some drawer units I already had for storage. I wanted to keep with the clean white lines surfaces throughout the room so I was able to just buy some cheap melamine shelving. My husband mounted them with 2X4 ledger boards and braces, and for roughly $50 my own workspace was born! I still have a lot of storage and organization to add, but it’s a good start.

The moral of the story is “never assume you don’t have enough space.” We had two desks in our previous house, and when we bought a smaller home we just thought that was going to be a thing of the past. When if we had just measured one of our storage spaces, we would have been able to have this setup a while ago.

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