The Funniest Cartoon You’ve Never Heard Of

Lucas Bros Moving Co

Lucas Bros Moving Co

In July of 2013, I wrote a review of FOX ADHD (Animation Domination High-Def).  A year and half later, this block of cartoons is nothing short of a complete failure.  It’s switched networks from FOX to FXX, and is still practically never advertised (Hulu runs ads that it is still on FOX actually).

However, in this mediocre block of cartoons, a diamond in the rough has emerged.  That diamond is Lucas Bros Moving Co, and I’m going to make a bold statement that it is the funniest cartoon on the air that almost no one has heard of.

Real-life twin comedians Keith and Kenny Lucas have created what I can best describe as a stoner’s love letter to 1990’s pop culture.  On the show, Keith and Kenny are movers, though very little moving actually happens.  The majority of the show focuses on what they do in their off-time, which is a lot of hanging out their favorite bar, Notorius Rod’s Bar and Grill.  You also find them doing normal things like playing basketball, preparing for a small business owner’s neighborhood pitch-in dinner, traveling back in time, and getting high a lot.

What resonates with me so much is all the 1990’s pop culture references.  The Lucas Bros seem to have a hysterical, possibly unhealthy obsession with the old ABC block of shows, TGIF.  There are entire episodes dedicated to Family Matters and Sister, Sister.  They love focusing on bad movies from that era, like Vampire in Brooklyn, and every movie Shaquille O’Neal ever made.  Pro-wrestler Jake “The Snake” Roberts owns a towing company in their town.  Add to this Keith and Kenny’s very calm, monotone delivery of all their lines, no matter how dangerous of situations they find themselves in, and I find myself laughing hard multiple times per each 11-minute episode.

I find Lucas Bros Moving Co absolutely brilliant.  Keith and Kenny have a wacky sense of humor that really clicks with me, and hopefully will for you as well.  I can’t recommend enough that you check this show out!

Lucas Bros Moving Co airs as part of FXX’s Animation Domination HD block, which airs at midnight on Thursdays and Fridays.  Most individual episodes can also be found for free on HULU.

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