The Lego Movie: Everything Truly Is AWESOME!

The Lego Movie Logo

The Lego Movie Logo

NOTE: Spoiler-free outside of what is seen in trailers

I’ve been looking forward to The Lego Movie ever since I saw the first trailer for it.  From a 2 minute preview, I saw that the makers of this movie (also the directors of the first Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs movie, which is fantastic!) were onto something special.  After seeing the movie, I can confirm my gut feeling about it was correct.

The overlying plot of the movie is somewhat of a parody of The Matrix.  You see that in the trailers, and it’s the only thing I will say about the plot of the movie.  Using The Matrix as inspiration was a brilliant move though, letting the movie go to any crazy place it wants to, using any of the hundreds of Lego play sets (both original and licensed), while still having a pretty smooth flow to the story.

The story is solid, but the visuals and voice cast are what make this movie incredible.  I’ve never played any of the Lego video games, so this might be the standard, but the detail of how absolutely EVERYTHING in the movie was made out of Lego bricks was just stunning to look at.  Also, with a main voice cast of Chris Pratt, Elizabeth Banks, Will Ferrell, Will Arnett, Morgan Freeman and Liam Neeson (as well as an extremely impressive supporting cast of actors/comedians playing smaller roles) this movie brings a large amount of humor that both children and adults can enjoy.

Along with being funny, there are also some very touching moments in the movie as well, including a direction it went in that I was not expecting at all.

To wrap things up, my thoughts on The Lego Movie are summed up perfectly with the title to the movie’s theme song: EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!  Kids will enjoy the simpler jokes aimed at them, as well as the fact that it’s a cartoon.  Adults will enjoy the more mature jokes thrown in just for them, as well as both the simplicity and complexity the movie brings to the table.  In my opinion, it’s pretty tough not to enjoy this movie.  Then again, my motto lately has been “If you’re not still a kid at heart, how do you have any fun?”  I say go find your inner child, and have some fun seeing this movie in the theater!

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