Claire’s Happiness Project: Bring on Summer

No matter how many times the Geekling and I listen to Let It Go and try to convince ourselves that the cold never bothered us anyway, we’re sick of snow. And cold. And more snow. And the millions of nasty bugs that preschoolers seem to pass around and never ever go away until it’s warm out. My Happiness Project is contingent on sun. And we’re making our own sun around here from now on.

So from now on, It’s summer in our house. And we’re celebrating! Out with cold and snow and a leaf-less Happiness Projecttrees. In with my ukulele, and summer drinks, and sundresses (except only inside and with tights and a sweater because we have to draw a realism line somewhere).

5 year olds know how to celebrate summer with reckless abandon- if she had a weather machine, it would be Florida-casual every day. Here are some Geek and Geekling approved ways to bring on summer:

1. Indoor beach party- Grab your towels and hula hoops and throw on some awesomely terrible summer movies- Blue Crush, The Beach, or (if children are still awake) anything with Elvis. Make some burgers and hot dogs (no seasonal food allowed!) and have a fantastic indoor beach party.

2. Play a ukulele. Even if you’re terrible, there’s nothing more summery sounding than a ukulele. Mine is pink, which makes it extra happy.

3.Spend a day drinking whatever summery drink you want and looking at magazines, girly novels (are there boy-ey novels? James Bond? What do you men read in the summer?), whatever makes you happy and forget the fact that Indiana has somehow become Westeros.

So grab your sun hats and pina coladas and join me in my winter protest. Bring on summer!

2 Responses to “Claire’s Happiness Project: Bring on Summer”
  1. Kendric Beachey says:
  2. Nicole says:

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