Turn on Your Lights
I love Christmas lights; Clark Griswold, Tim Taylor, ridiculously over the top, drain the city’s electricity, the bigger the better Christmas lights. They’re like twinkling fairies ushering in one time of year it’s widely acceptable for grownups to believe in magic. I’ve already staked out the neighborhoods with the good lights, and, with finals over, am planning the traditional light-hunting excursion.
Rows of houses draped in lights and covered with snow always bring me a feeling that for once, if only in this moment, everything is right with the world. Nothing could be wrong with a world where giant inflatable penguins and light up Santa’s great me on my drive home. The lights bring happiness, joy, and peace to children and adults a like.
I recently heard one of my favourite radio commentators ask why Christmas is special- why is this time of year different from any other? While I see his point, I think it’s better to cast off the cynicism and embrace the peace. Enjoy the lights and the happiness they bring, even if it’s only for a short time. Maybe, if enough of us turn on our lights, the peace will grow larger than the electric bills.
Turn on your lights. There’s a girl out here who wants to see them.
Image Credit: Character Grades
I feel the exact same way! Love me some Christmas lights!!