My Happiness Project: Expanding my horizons.

As the child of two teachers, the importance of education has never been lost on me. I’ve been lucky enough to always know that Happiness Projectthe key to a better future is found through at least a bachelors degree- the academic, cultural, and social opportunities of a college/campus life experience are too great to miss. And I may be in debt due to my student loans, but I wouldn’t trade my masters education (and the freinds I’ve made) for anything. I was lucky enough to be brought up in a community where learning and curiosity were encouraged- where my friends and family helped me develop a love for science, math, books, movies, and theater.

I also know that soley an education in the classroom does not make a good world citizen. Getting out there and getting your hands dirty by learning where theory ends and flexibility in approach begins is truly an expansion of the mind. Within the safety of the university, you develop critical thinking skills, and (hopefully) a sense of acceptable risk. The real world is where that all pays off.

My Happiness Project has been about getting back something I lost years ago- the core of who I am. As a university kid, I grew up a world traveler and I want to pass the travel bug on to the Geekling. Because of the advantages I was given in college, I’m already semi-fluent in Italian. I’m making it an official goal of this project to become fully dluent in Italian, and start to learn French. Not only will these additional languages help me in my constant journey for knowledge, but they will help me be a better citizen of the world.

Now it’s out there in the Universe- I’m committed! Bring on the challenge world!


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