Building a Geekling Gamer
It’s no surprise to regular readers that I enjoy turning my geekling into the most fantastically geeky child in the history of the universe. She recognizes a majority of the 12 Doctors (she distinguishes between them by hair or hair style- last night she asked for a “Number 4” hat), knows the basic workings of a Wii controller, and recognizes quite a few Van Gogh paintings. My goal has always been to make her a well rounded geek, but lately we’ve ben partiularly enjoying tabletop games. We started her on the classics (Candy Land, Chutes and Ladders, etc) a few years ago, and she’s picked up on others rather quickly. Right now she’s really in to Mancala, Angry Birds, and Catan Jr. She’s also shown some itnerest in chess, so the Fiance has been attempting to teach her. It’s been pretty damn hilarious/cute to watch.
Games are too-often over looked as an important part of the playroom. Kids learn numbers, colours, rules, and respect for others through agmes (not to mention how to be super awesome geekling gamers). Spending time sharing my love for games with my geekling has paid off in countless ways, not the least of which is grooming a Gen-Con sidekick for life.
What kind of games do you like to play with your Geeklings? Are they an important part of your together time at home?