Geek Cooking: Vanilla Almond Marshmallows

kitchen canisters

This healthy eating geek girl has a deep dark secret: I love marshmallows. I love them in hot chocolate, on ice cream, or in a giant bowl where they can shine all on their own. And when it comes to desserts, nothing is better than homemade. The Fiance and I have been throwing around ideas for our wedding and what could be better than a bonfire with giant homemade marshmallows.

So last night, while the Fiance was attempting to grill in the rain (Thanks love!), I took to my stand mixer and decided to churn out a batch of delicious sugary clouds of goodness.


Vanilla Almond Marshmallows

2 Tablespoons Gelatin (or 2 packets Knox gelatin)

8 Tablespoons cold water

2 cups sugar

1 cup water

2 tablespoons vanilla flavoring (Honestly, I don’t measure this)

A touch of almond flavoring (no idea how much, once again I didn’t measure)

1/4 teaspoon salt

Powdered sugar

Claire Marshmallow Pan

Dust a rectangular cake pan (or whatever you can find in your cabinet) with powdered sugar and set aside.

Combine gelatin and 8 Tbsp water, set aside. Put 2 cups sugar and 1 cup water in sauce pan and stir until dissolved. Don’t leave unattended because sugar can burn easily. When sugar is dissolved, add in gelatin and heat to a boil.

Remove liquid from heat and put in a heat-safe mixing bowl until almost cool. (Try putting it in the freezer for 5 minutes if you’re in a hurry.) Add in vanilla and almond flavorings and salt, and mix with an electric or stand mixture for 10 – 15 minutes. The mixture will be fluffy and about twice the size and will look like marshmallow fluff. Om nom! Feel free to lick the mixer.

Pour the marshmallow fluff into the sugar-dusted pan and set aside until it is firm enough not to stick to your finger. (Unless you feel like eating an entire bowl of marshmallow fluff. If so, have at it!) You can put it in the freezer for a few minutes, but keep a close eye on the pan so the marshmallow doesn’t freeze.

When firm, cut marshmallows in to squares or circles or stars or tiny marshmallow sculptures of Richard Burton and dust with powdered sugar. Store in an air-tight container so your delicious bits of dessert heaven don’t get stale.


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