What We’re Up To: April
Happy April! This is what we’re up to this month:
What We’re Reading:
Nicole – I’m still reading Pirate Cinema by Cory Doctorow. I usually read on my lunch break, and didn’t really get many of those in March. I read a good amount of it this past weekend while my husband played Street Fighter II and Tony Hawk HD.
Claire – I’m finishing up The Happiness Project and I picked up Happier at Home. I also want to finish Shada by Douglas Adams and Where Am I Wearing by Kelsey Timmerman. Timmerman also recently released Where and I Eating, so I would like to pick that up as well. (And yes, I plan on doing this all while finishing projects and studying for finals. I am… SUPER GRAD STTUDENT!)
What We’re Playing:
Nicole – I’m almost through second playthrough of Mass Effect. I did cave and get the Citadel DLC before I got through my second playthrough. Let me just say, the Citadel DLC is perfect. I’m playing it a second time now, with a few different choices so I can see everything. I’m also playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution after caving and buying it a second time for Xbox because the PS3 controller causes my hands to hurt so bad. With the month I had, I only logged two hours in Your Shape last month. I’m going to try to do Tai Chi or Yoga every morning to get some time in there and improve my balance and flexibility. In the tabletop realm I’m trying to talk my husband in to playing Netrunner with me. But I might end up just taking that over to Claire’s and playing with her.
Claire – I started playing Mass Effect, so I’d like to continue that if I have time. Of course we do weekly D&D nights.
What We’re Watching:
Nicole – I had a poll up on the Facebook page and you guys said I need to see Archer, so I’ll be watching that. I’m debating if I want to watch/play Defiance. I might start on some BSG as well.
Claire – I’m going to catch up on all the Oscar nominees and winners I missed. I’m also getting caught up on Game of Thrones and Spartacus. And I will force Nicole to start BSG. 😀
What We’re Working On:
Nicole – I did zero of the projects I had listed last month, so I’m sticking with those.
Claire – School. Woo. I also practice daily yoga and am looking into a teacher’s course and I try to run daily with my Zombies, Run! app.
Where We’re Going:
Not much on our schedule for April. Our team, the Circle City Derby Girls, have home opener on the 20th though! Come say “Hi!”