Spring Forward!

It’s me, back from the land of midterms hell! I can finally rid my brain of government finance, impact evaluation, and risk assessment….until after spring break when studying for finals begins. But, for now, I am content to spend a week taking a breather with my family and my yoga mat. The sun is shining, the snow is melting, and this girl is kicking her butt into gear and taking her geekling along.

Getting back into the gym is my first order of business. I have been slacking due to a hectic study schedule and my tendency to get bored with exercise. I needed some motivation, so I downloaded the Zombies, Run! app. Not only does it have a story to listen to while you run, the zombie sounds are slightly disturbing and I get to collect items along the way to build my base. This girl will be prepped for the zombie apocalypse: Rule #1 Cardio.

Of course, I can’t go on my journey to healthiness alone- I must take the geekling along with me! I have had a love for daily yoga practice since college and  I lead her in a few sessions together every week. She’s becoming quite the little yogi! Getting kids involved in yoga at a young age is great for their physical and mental health, and teaching her to meditate has been invaluable when I need a few minutes of quiet time. (One of my greatest accomplishments in preshcool teaching was getting 16 3-5 year olds to lie in savasana for 5 minutes.)

The feeling of spring renewal is in the air again and with that comes reinvention. And zombie apocalypse preparation. What is your favourite thing to do this time of year?


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