Claire’s Must Read Recommendations

Photo credit: Wikipedia

Photo credit: Wikipedia

At D&D night last week, we got on the conversation of books. Nicole confided that she hadn’t read most of the books we were talking about, including a lot of books I consider essential reading. I’m opening my bookshelf to her and putting together a reading list together.

The Scott Pilgrim Series- Graphic novels, insane characters and plenty of video game references- what’s not to love?

The Once and Future King- One of the classic Arthur novels. A must read.

Emergency Sex and Other Desperate Measures- Despite the title, this is a fantastic story of 3 UN workers in the 1990s. Incredibly moving and eye-opening.

The Mists of Avalon- The story of the women behind Arthurian legend. There are two others as well, but Mists is my favourite.

Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist- The original book that the movie was based on, one of my go to books when I want to escape for an afternoon.

Pride and Prejudice- Elizabeth Bennet is kick ass and Mr. Darcy is… well, he’s Mr. Darcy.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz- My favourite story ever.

The Shopaholic Series- Girly brain candy for when you don’t want to think.

The Science of Harry Potter: How Magic Really Works- Because who doesn’t want  know how close we could really come to the magic of Hogwarts

A Wrinkle in Time – A classic sci-fi/fantasy novel that scared the crap out of me when I was a kid.

Any book written by Tom Robbins- He’s fantastically weird

Lord of the Rings- It took a while for me to get in to it, but it’s totally worth it.

The Hobbit- Hated it as a kid, love it as an adult.

The Catcher in the Rye- Holden Caulfield is a shit, but this is a classic must read.

On the Road- Don’t let Kristen Stewart in the terrible movie version ruin this book.

Your Hate Mail Will Be Graded- HIlarious entries from John Scalzi’s blog Whatever. Easy to read in short bursts.

This is by no means a comprehensive list and I left off books Nicole has already read (like Harry Potter). What else do you think she should read?

7 Responses to “Claire’s Must Read Recommendations”
  1. Andy Sandefer says:
    • Nicole says:
  2. Claire says:
  3. Nicole says:
  4. Noelle Tharp-Taylor says:
    • Nicole says:
  5. Christopher Russell says:

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