We Don’t Deserve You Diana

I was nervous about the Wonder Woman movie. Diana was finally getting her own movie, and it had to be perfect. This wasn’t going to be Daredevil where it goes bad but the character ends up with his own Netflix show. Or Green Lantern, where it was shrugged off as “well, DC just can’t do movies.” If Wonder Woman was bad, it was going to be “see, we told you people don’t want female superheros.”

As the opening date for Wonder Woman drew near and the previews got me more and more excited, I worried still. I hadn’t seen much promotion for the movie. The only product tie-in I recall seeing is Dr. Pepper cans. The biggest promotion, wasn’t a movie promotion at all. It was Alamo Drafthouse creating a woman-only screening and the internet losing it’s mind.

The stakes shouldn’t have been so high for Diana, but the world of man has never been fair. But Wonder Woman reigned victorious and became the first movie in the DCEU to be “Certified Fresh” on Rotten Tomatoes. It had the biggest opening weekend ever for a female director.

Wonder Woman had everything I wanted in the movie (minus a Lucy Lawless cameo). The casting was perfect. The story was amazing. And finally seeing Themyscira on the big screen was stunning. I don’t often see movies the first time in theaters, but this is one I already want to go see again. I’m acutally looking forward to the Justice League movie now. I might even go rent some of the other DCEU movies just so I can learn more about the Universe in which Diana resides.

Oh and while you’re paying attention to women DC, here’s a few other things I’d like to see:

  • A Fish Mooney comic book, or at least a graphic novel about her rise to power.
  • Oliver Queen, Sara Lance, and John Diggle doing some more sexy training scenes the the Arrowverse.
  • A Hawk Girl movie. Or show. Or both. Flash gets both, so why not?
  • The Carpenter in the Gotham City Sirens movie.
One Response to “We Don’t Deserve You Diana”
  1. Kea Alwang says:

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