Musical Monday: In Praise of the Ten Year Reissue
I’ve never done one of these “writing prompt” type of posts before, but with my recently refreshed interest in music, Musical Monday seemed appropriate when I saw it pop up in my feed from Something About Esther. Plus, I had a crazy week at work and didn’t get any posts queued up for today. Oops. This is one I could write over my lunch break.
When I started building up my vinyl collection, I knew I wanted to get some of my favorite albums from when I was in high school and early college. I still listen to several of them now, so I know they have staying power for me and are worth the investment. But, the problem with albums that are (at least) ten years old is they’re hard to find. And when you do find them, they can be a bit pricy. For example, buying Nine Inch Nails – The Fragile on vinyl will run you around $200 on eBay.
Enter the ten year reissue, a concept I thought was silly up until about a week ago. Before I started looking at the prices of vinyl, I thought the ten year reissue was a bit ridiculous. I mean really, ten years doesn’t seem like that long. Sure these albums are awesome, but you can still easily get them in CD or MP3. But ten years ago vinyl wasn’t experiencing the rebirth it is now. So albums were only released in limited numbers on vinyl. And when they were gone, they were gone.
Now I am singing the praises of the ten year reissue. It’s allowing me to get things like The Postal Service – Give Up and Death Cab For Cutie – Transatlanticism easily and for a reasonable price. I now love the ten year reissue. I’m partially convinced the record labels are thinking “Finally! The kids who downloaded all these songs off Napster in the early 2000’s are willing to pay for them now. Start pressing the vinyl before they change their minds.”
Now seriously Interscope, repress The Fragile for me. Please? Call it a fifteen year reissue.
P.S. Musical Monday was started by My So-Called Chaos. She hosts a monthly music giveaway in conjunction with her post. I’m breaking the “talk about a song” aspect of the post and talking about a concept in music instead. Hope you don’t mind.