New to Who? Don’t be afraid!


I was first introduced to the amazing world of Doctor Who during the 1980’s. Like many young geeks at the time, I was mesmerized by the colorful Doctor with the long scarf and teethy smile who popped up on PBS. My love was reborn when the series began again in 2005 and it’s been my addiction ever since. My favorite Doctor is Tom Baker, the very long scarf wearing Doctor I saw 30 years ago, but I love each incarnation for different reasons.

With the excitement brewing about this year’s debut of series eight, starring the newly 12th incarnation of the Doctor played by Peter Capaldi, it is a perfect time for new fans to jump onboard with the show.

As a very self-professed Whovian, I often get asked “Where do I begin to watch Doctor Who?” As a new viewer, it can be very intimidating. The franchise has existed for 50 years now and has included the television show, audio dramas, books, a TV movie, toys, games, and an unlimited number of other merchandised materials. It can be overwhelming to think about diving into fresh, but relax… it isn’t as hard as you’d think! Here are some tips to getting started:

  1. Begin with 2005. As you begin viewing, start with the reintroduction of the show in 2005. The series was restarted with the understanding they would have new viewers, so it’s very friendly to watch. The series is available on almost all streaming methods including Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon.
  2. Be patient. The first series in 2005 stars Christopher Eccleston who does a fabulous job. However, for some viewers he takes awhile to grow on you. At first, I was a indifferent to his potrayl of the Doctor. By the end of the season, I loved him and hated to see him go!
  3. Clear your calendar. Once you begin watching, the show will hook you. Be prepared to lose weekends in front of the television as you repeatedly promise yourself “just one more episode”.
  4. Ask for help! The internet is full of information, as well as Whovians who are eager to discuss the show. Most Whovians are very open to helping new viewers and love to talk and share! Be sure to Google each name, place, and species you hear mentioned. You’ll love the wonderful back story and history of the show and its’ characters!
  5. Discover the classics. After you’ve gotten a few series of the new show under your belt, begin to explore the classic series. Jump in wherever you’d like… pick a Doctor and then a story, and dive in. Be sure to try each Doctor, you won’t regret it!
  6. Don’t overlook the audio dramas, books and comics. Once you’ve sampled the classic television series and you’ve grown to particularly love a certain incarnation of the Doctor, dive into the Big Finish audio dramas ( and the wealth of books and comics available. There are a number of releases for each classic Doctor, and most are wonderful! Bonus… a number of classic actors and actresses return to voice their characters for the Big Finish releases!

Once you’ve fallen in love with Doctor Who you’ll find yourself quoting the show, wearing a fez, and looking at scarves and bow ties in a new way! The most wonderful thing about Doctor Who is its’ vastness… the show can go anywhere at anytime. The story potential is endless. No matter how long you’re a fan of the franchise, there are always new things to discover.

Welcome to the world of Doctor Who… don’t be afraid… you’ll love it.

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