Around Indy: Free Comic Book Day
Comic books are one of the (several) things I’ve always found interesting but have never gotten really into. I’ve read some Atomic Robo (which I really enjoy) and some of the Doctor Who comics (which I didn’t get into as much). There’s just so much out there though, that it’s hard to know where to start. So why not start with checking out the books and local shops on Free Comic Book Day?
Hero House
We actually started here not on Free Comic Book Day, but on First Friday. We were walking around promoting the upcoming Circle City Derby Girls bout and our photobooth at that bout, and happened upon Hero House comics. Like a lot of places in Fountain Square, it’s small and quaint which is the kind of thing that makes me fall instantly in love with a place. There were also some artists signing their book in the back of the store. They were from Indy Web Comics Group,and promoting their newest anthology. I picked up one of their books, and got it signed. Then went back on Saturday and had a few more artists sign it. I was certainly excited to know we have this community in Indy.
Downtown Comics – Downtown
On Saturday our first stop was the Downtown Comics location on the circle. Since this was my
first Free Comic Book Day, I didn’t really know what to expect. I figured it’d be a somewhat festive atmosphere with lines and fun and general merriment. And when I realized the Mini Marathon was that day as well I thought for sure they’d go all out to get new readers and customers. They seemed to be going for more of an efficient model. They had two tables of comics, one that was kid appropriate and one that was not. The line in the store was set so you went by both. We were in-and-out quickly, and they had a huge selection. But I really would have preferred to socialize a bit more.
Downtown Comics – North
I then went to the Downtown Comics North location. Claire didn’t make it to this one because the geekling was about done at this point (it’s a lot of shopping for a four year old). This is where the festivities were. There were cosplayers handing out temporary tattoos to kids, taking pictures, and just generally having a good time. Apparently there had been a three hundred person line at the beginning of the day. This was obviously where the festivities were. I didn’t go in since they were so packed and I already had my free comics for the day, but had fun just chatting up my fellow geeks outside the building. I’m happy this was the funneststore, because it’s also the closest to my house!
I had zero energy that day, and only made it to one place, Comic University (closest to me). Love that there were cosplayers at Downtown Comics North location!
My girlfriend and I got up early and went to comic carnival, then downtown comics on the circle. Headed to hero house after the signing and picked up a copy of the Little Guardians trade. The artist was there to draw a couple characters on the slip page while I dug through the freshly stocked quarter bins.