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Google Reader Alternatives: NewsBlur
Written on March 25, 2013
in 5 on Friday, Mobile, Product Reviews, Technology, The Usual

A couple of weeks back I wrote a post about Google Reader being retired, and what the various options were for someone who was looking for something new. I mentioned at the time that I couldn’t write about NewsBlur because they were slammed so hard that the site was unusable. They’ve either beefed up their servers, or
5 on Friday: 5 Alternatives to Google Reader
Written on March 15, 2013
in App Reviews, Mobile, Technology
Update: NewsBlur is running well now, and I was able to check it out. The inevitable has happened. Google Reader is going away. The service will be permanently taken down on July 1, 2013. I’ve been using Google Reader for almost as long as I’ve had a Google account, so it was a bit