I’ve Been: Building Dog Beds

I have two very, very spoiled pups. They have multiple beds throughout the house, so they always have some place comfortable to sleep. (Even if they still do end up on the furniture most the time.) Up until this point, the beds have always been the generic kind you get at the pet store. But browsing around Pinterest, I found a few bed designs that I thought would be cool to build.

wood-crate-dog-bedWood Crate Dog Bed

The first dog bed is a super easy one made from a 12”x10”x18” craft crate that I found on Beagles and Bargains.  I loved this one since it’d be going near my record collection, and I liked the idea of her bed being similar to a record crate. To put it together, I used a hammer to pull the front of the crate off down to the last slat, sanded, and painted it to match the other projects from the room. I then attached tapered wood doll bodies, similar to these with glue and screws to give the bed a more finished look. For the cushiony part, I used 2” medium density foam and glued some awesome cassette fabric to it.

mid-century-dog-bedMid-Century Dog Bed

The second dog bed is a bit fancier since it’s going into the living room. I found this amazing mid-century style dog bed on Our Nerd Home and knew immediately that I had to make it. Their instructions are pretty spot on, except instead of screws I used wood glue and an air nailer. I assembled the bed, and then wrapped some more medium density foam with some chevron fabric I found at Joann Fabrics.

You notice in these pictures, there’s no dog in the bed. That’s because Pixel has decided she doesn’t like them. It did take her about 6-months to warm up to her Yoda bed, so maybe she’ll eventually warm up to them. And if you’re wondering about poor Dingo, don’t be. He prefers to steal my chair.

I don't know what you're talking about. This is my chair.

I don’t know what you’re talking about. This is my chair.


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