5 on Friday: Why Dresses are the Best
I’m not super girly, or so I’ve been told. Personally I think I’m very girly. I’m just not that into fashion (related, is this circuitboard dress too much?). I’m not sure if it comes down to being the only girl in the neighborhood, being immersed in geek culture in middle and high school, or choosing a male dominated major in college. So people are always surprised that my wardrobe is made up of mostly dresses. But you know what, dresses are the best.
1. You Don’t Have to Wear Pants
Pants are the worst. They dig into your hips. It’s rare to find a pair that fits well (without investing in a tailor). And they’re hot in the summer. I don’t have that problem with dresses. Since they don’t actually go around my legs, I don’t have to fit them to my legs. And if a dress is a little longer or shorter than intended it still usually looks fine (and is easier to alter of not. I’m not sure this is a universal problem, but it is mine. And dresses are the easiest solution.
2. Less is More
A dress is one article of clothing. And that makes life so much easier. There’s less laundry. And you can spend less money (most dressed cost around the same as a pair of jeans). It’s a simpler way to build a wardrobe.
3. Looking More Put Together
I am not a morning person. I sleep as late as possible before dragging myself into the office as late as possible. This often means going in sans makeup and my hair less than optimal. And I feel better about that if I’m wearing a dress. I feel like I have an overall put together look more so than if I threw on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
4. Versatility
I went on a job interview recently, and this was the first time I wasn’t in a panic about what to wear. I tend to work at places that have a casual dress code, so I never have interview clothes when I need them. But since I have been buying and wearing dresses more often now, there was no panic. No “I hope I can find these pants in petite because I surely can’t get them hemmed in time.” I wore the dress I wore to my husband’s company holiday party. Just threw a blazer and sensible shoes with it and I was good to go. Dresses are amazing because a lot of the times accessories can make them occasion appropriate. (For what it’s worth, this is Modcloth’s Work the Right Angle dress.)
5. Skirt the Office Dress Code (see what I did there)
Summer is hot, and work clothes are uncomfortable. Most workplaces have a no-shorts policy, but most dresses come to around the knee or so and are allowed in the workplace.
The only downside to dresses, at least in the summer months, is they can lead to a little bit of chafing. But XOJane did an awesome write up of all the products to prevent this summertime ailment.
Seriously though, I can pull of that circuitboard dress, right?
My work doesn’t allow shorts, but does allow kilts. I swear, I’m going to become THAT guy.
If you’re going to do a kilt, just make sure it’s tartan 😉
The circuit board dress is rad. DOO EEET.
As soon as they get a medium in stock.
I’m not super girly, but I love wearing dresses in the summer because they’re so much more comfortable than shorts. Also, I like that you don’t have to worry about pairing them with anything (unlike shorts and a t-shirt or skirts and a top). You just throw on one thing and you’re ready to go.
I couldn’t agree more!! I am going vintage hunting soon if you want to join me. I love dresses for all of the reasons above. They really are so much more comfortable than pants. I even tried the dresses with tights or leggings thing this winter just so I could keep the comfortability level.
Sara, I’d LOVE to! I’m not good at vintage hunting so it’ll be a good chance for me to see what to look for. Plus, I need to find some structured skirts to wear with my geeky t-shirts 🙂
I always forget about dress and I have a ton! They are so much easier to do than an entire outfit, like you said! This summer my goal is to wear more dresses and make life easier on myself. Plus you fell more put together in a dress without trying as hard!! xo